Monday, December 13, 2010

Instant Noodle Advertisement

 I made a 35sec. instant noodle advertisement based on my life here.  I made it with the intention have it noticed by the Nongshim company, so that I can have an unlimited supply of instant noodles.  I'm having some trouble in getting their attention, so please help me make this video viral.

To explain the story of its genesis, Tanzania is suffering from national power shortages, and as a result, it is implementing power rationing.  One day, I returned home, only to notice the power cut.  So, I pulled out my charcoal stove and fixed an instant noodle lunch, and realized, hey this would be a half-decent advertisement.

For those non-Korean speakers, the subtitles (with awkward translations) are as follows:

"Mtwara, a small town on the outskirts of Tanzania

There is a young Korean man,

who came to volunteer during his youth

Although with frequent power cuts and a poor living standard,

he has to cook with charcoal,

he encourages himself as he thinks of home, where his friends and family are.

Nongshim, we support you from home"

This bs-filled video is also available on youtube.

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